The full text of a homework-project (described earlier) for a Tasmanian high school’s Grade 8 Society and History class on “learning the impact of climate change” (note that all spelling and punctuation is reproduced exactly):
Homework Project.
Scavenger Hunt.
During your current course of study on climate change you will be required to conduct a scavenger hunt as homework to submit at the end of the unit.
You will need to collect data or create as many of the projects on the scavenger hunt list as possible. The person that collects the most points is the winner and will receive a prize, with runner up prizes as well!!
A point tally will be displayed on the wall over the duration of the scavenger hunt to keep a running tally.
Bring in your pieces as you go to display around the classroom...or school if we run out of space, I am expecting GREAT things!!
Rules of Scavenger Hunt.
- You can go anywhere that is appropriate to obtain your data, check with someone from home first and always let them know where you are going.
- Cameras and recorders may be used to record information. Written summaries of TV shows, films, hand-drawn maps, diagrams etc are acceptable.
- Use primary sources when possible.
- The sources of ALL data must be recorded.
Items to Collect and Create
- Make a map of the world showing where climate change is most severe (10 points).
- Collect five pictures of areas affected by climate change (5 points). Add 10 points if you label your pictures and include two facts about each picture.
- Collect two articles from magazines that explain efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (5 points). Add 10 points if you include a written summary of the articles.
- Create a chart that ranks in order the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions (5 points).
- Draw a before and after picture of a place on earth affected by climate change. Could be lakes and rivers that have dried up, glaciers that are disappearing, Antarctic shelf ice that has disappeared, and farm land that has dried up, coastal land that is under water, deltas that have flooded and eroded. Include labels and information about where and what has happened (15 points).
- Watch a TV show or DVD about the problem of climate change. Create a chart or a poster that shares what you have learnt (10 points). BONUS: 10 points for each additional show viewed.
- Make a chart that lists the organisations which concentrate on dealing with the problem of climate change. Include the name, address and phone number (10 points).
- Choose one of the climate change problems from the list below. Write a poem or song that includes at least five facts about the problem. Mention the necessity for finding ways to solve the problem (20 points).
a. Rising temperatures
b. Glaciers melting
c. Water shortages
d. Animal species becoming endangered and extinct.
e. Sea levels rising.
f. Severe droughts
g. Severe weather patterns including storms and cyclones. - Create a timeline that shows the increase in greenhouse gas emissions to present day (15 points).
- Design and make a poster that informs others about air pollution (15 points).
- Make a list of the gases that make up greenhouse gas. Explain what each is and where it comes from (10 points).
- Make a model of an environmentally friendly home, eg, north facing, passive solar design, solar power, water tanks, grey water system etc... (20 points).
- Research why some people are becoming vegetarian to lesson their carbon footprint. Write at least a paragraph explaining (10points).
- Make a mobile of the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere (10 points).
- Write an article for the school newssheet that explains the problem of climate change and give 5-10 suggestions for what individuals could do to help combat the problem. Submit it for publication (25 points).
- Design a t-shirt or button that would make others aware of climate change (15 points).
- Draw a model of a catalytic converter and write an explanation of how it reduces car exhaust (15 points).
- Research what Tasmania is doing to reduce greenhouse gas and combat climate change, make a mind map explaining the efforts (15 points).
- Imagine a model community that is able to effectively eliminate greenhouse gases. Write a story about how the community is able to achieve this (25 points). BONUS 10 points if two or more illustrations included.
- Make a chart that explains the greenhouse effect and its increase. Demonstrate what might happen to our global climate if the greenhouse effect continues to increase (15 points)
- Make a greenhouse effect alphabet book that tells about the problem (25 points).
- Research what can be done around the the home to decrease carbon emissions and include how much carbon can be saved from the atmosphere (10 points).
- Locate on a map at least 5 major cities from around the world that suffer from smog. Write a description of the health risks as well as environmental risks (15 points).
- On a world map identify where both tropical rainforests and hardwood forests were once located, where they have been destroyed, and where they remain. Write a paragraph explaining how the clearing and burning of forests contribute to climate change (20 points).
- Sell deforestACTION land vouchers to combat climate change. (15 points for every $2 voucher sold)
- Through the deforestACTION web site join the cause and register as a [...] High students (30 points, get 5 others to join through you and get 50 points).

EPA Blatantly Lying To Children
Maybe they should organise a debate over the hypothesis of Anthropogenic Global Warming? Teachers (if not global warming acolytes) love that kind of thing. it could expose some other point's of view, and fracture the teachers notion that the debate is over.
It seems the teacher is trying to make the kids more conscious of the issues, but is blind to the debate that is being stifled around them.
Very nice bblog you have here
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