
23 February, 2012

An Inevitable Outcome

At the Climate Commision’s Hobart public propaganda session—misnamed a “conversation”—, one of the commissioners, and demonstrated liar, Prof. Will Steffen, asserted that the sea-level around Tasmania will rise 3.2 mm a year for every year over the next century, creating a scary scenario of a total rise of 30 cm by the end of the century—that’s one foot!—leading to higher tides, increased flooding and the ruination of infrastructure.  Steffen, of course, contrary to the evidence, assumes that the rate of any rise of sea-level will continue at the exact rate which awarmists claim is occurring now.
So, since Commissioner Steffen claims that the seas around Tasmania will rise consistently by over 30 cm a century, and since he ignores inconvenient data such as the undoubted fact that there is a finite amount of terrestrial ice which might melt, what will happen after a millennium?  Obviously, the seas will assuredly rise 30,000 cm, or three hundred metres; after ten millennia, therefore, with the waters’ having risen three kilometres, Tasmania will be completely flooded!
If the rise of sea-level continue at the same rate over a million years then the seas around Tasmania will most certainly rise 300 km!  If the rise of sea-level continue at the same rate over ten thousand million years then the Tasmanian seas will surely rise 3,000,000 km!
If the rise of sea-level continue at the same rate over 500,000,000,000 years then the seas around Tasmania will rise 150,000,000 km, which will snuff out THE SUN!  So, unless we reduce carbon emissions by imposing a ruinous tax on some important industries, and if the rate of seal-level rise remain constant, then within five hundred thousand million years the seas around Tasmania will annihilate the sun—and then we’ll really be doomed!
(The Climate Commission’s own specious report, The Critical Decade: Tasmanian Impacts and Opportunities, has the claim that, by the end of the century, “global sea levels are projected to increase by at least 0.5 m and perhaps by as much as 1.1 m.”  So, maybe, the earth’s waters might extinguish the sun within only 150,000,000,000 years or so.)

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